Central MN Group Rides Mini-Bikes from Pierz to Orr, Minnesota

Lots of us have collections, some more useful than others. Personally, I love my vinyl record collection, and I get enough use out of them to justify the space they take up in my basement. Brent VanRisseghem might have me beat though when it comes to useful collections.

Brent has been collecting Honda mini-bikes and has a goal of getting every year and every color in his personal fleet. Luckily he has a mechanic friend, Kyle Nash, in Pierz who helps Brent keep them running well enough for a yearly pilgrimage to Orr, Minnesota.

For those unfamiliar with the neck of the woods, Pierz to Orr is about 187 miles if you take major highways. 22o miles if you are taking the back road scenic route.

This yearly trip, The Ride to the Wet Spot, started three years ago when a group of guys hopped on a combination of Brent’s bikes and some of their own and made the trek from one town to the other. Brent owns cabins in Orr so they have a cozy place to unwind and stay once they arrive at their destination. The wives lead the way in 30-mile increments to provide assistance for breakdowns, a trailer, and other help as needed. Topping out around 40 miles per hour, the trek takes about 12 hours of road time, as they take back roads to get from one place to the other.

The group this year consisted of 7 riders, and making it extra memorable was the group finding an off-road spot for the girls to take a spin. They loved it so much that some might even get their motorcycle endorsements so they can participate next year.

Plans for next year’s annual Ride to the Wet Spot are already underway, and as word spreads about this unique trip the interest is growing. The group isn’t sure exactly what expansion looks like right now, but the phrase “Mini-Bike Sturgis” has been put out there.

Hear the full story on The Small Town Tourist Podcast this week!

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